Contact Coach Kyle


I want to enlighten and empower you to live the best life possible! With all the myths, misconceptions, and marketing ploys of the fitness industry, I want to help you cut through the crap and figure out what works…for you, your body, and your life.


  • Owner / Founder / Head Coach - MovementLink

  • Owner / Co-Founder / Head Coach of CrossFit City Limits

  • Owner / Founder / Head Coach of WOD at Home

  • Owner / Founder / Head Coach of MOMENTUM Results Program

MovementLink and CrossFit City Limits Gym Address

5206 Eilers Ave
Austin, TX 78751

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Starting in 2008, Kyle transformed himself through CrossFit and eventually that transformation seeped into every aspect of his life. He went from eating fast food for every meal and working a job he didn’t love to being the healthiest he’s ever been and running the businesses of his dreams. He learned when you better yourself in one area, that momentum makes it easier to achieve self-improvement across the board – in your career, relationships, mental health, and more. He brings that passion and expansive perspective to each and every coaching session. The journey toward the life you want could begin with one workout.

Kyle has a unique approach to coaching: He believes working out should be fun, individualized, and tailored to the goals, needs and specific context of each client. He coaches “every-day” people to reach the physical results they’ve always wanted, while helping them achieve a sustainable balance of their health, family, career, and hobbies. He also coaches elite and professional athletes across many disciplines to translate their hard work in the gym into peak performance in their sport of choice. No matter their goals or backgrounds, Kyle coaches his clients toward the life and body they want. If you want to bring meaning to why you work out - if you want to work with a coach who is invested in how your time in the gym can enhance your life outside of it - you want Coach Kyle on your team.

Kyle graduated from The University of Texas with a Mathematics degree in Actuarial Sciences...Nerd Alert!  He has received his CrossFit L-1, CrossFit L-2, CrossFit Olympic Lifting, and CrossFit Movement and Mobility certificates, but more importantly has accumulated 10,000+ client hours while operating a gym and running online programs working with beginners, intermediate, and professional athletes alike.  

If you’ve got a question about anything, please complete the form below. Coach Kyle receive tons of emails and tries his best to respond in a timely manner, but please be patient with him…thanks!!!