Movement Test

Feet-Together Squat

Do you have full access to your ankles and hips??? The feet together squat test is a very simple way to test.


The Movement Test


With a braced spine, stand with your feet together. Keeping your feet flat on the floor with even weight through your toes and your heels, squat as low as possible without any work-arounds. If you have full range of motion of ankle and hip flexion, you should be able to squat to parallel in this position.

*You should do this barefoot or with zero drop shoes, so the heel in your shoes does not give you false information.

Common Movement Test Faults


Tight ankles don’t allow the knees to track forward and cause you to bend over. When you try and force it down, you will typically fall over backwards.


Tight ankles can be worked around by going up on your toes, so we want to avoid this work-around.


If you have tight hips, you’ll get stuck up high and your back will round before you make it to parallel.