Movement Test

Sots Press

Do you have full access to ankle, hip, upper back, and shoulders??? The Sots Press is an extremely demanding exercise that tests how your whole body works together in full range positions and can also be an incredible tool in your warm-ups and cool-downs!

The Movement Test

Behind-the-Neck Snatch Grip Sots Press


1. With your snatch or overhead squat grip on the barbell, squat down. Double check your posture in this position as we only care about how deep you can go in good positions.


2. Holding your deepest/best squat, press the barbell overhead.


3. The full movement pattern in this exercise is pressing the bar overhead while maintain a good squat and position.

Common Movement Test Fault


The most common faults are a change of squat position, over-extension of the upper back, and starting with your elbows too far behind you.


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