What's On My Mind - February 2025

What’s On My Mind

What’s On My Mind
A Need for Speed

This Month’s Health Challenge
Spotlight on Vitamin D

What’s On My Mind

A Need for Speed - By Kyle Ligon

One of the most undervalued and underutilized details of high quality strength training is putting intent into not just the quality of each rep (technique), but the velocity of each rep (intensity). In this WOMM, I am going to dive into why, within a group of people following the exact same workout program on paper, there can be such a divergence of results and how to increase your strength even more without adding any extra training time or reps. Let’s dive in…

First, let’s quickly start with what strength training actually is because there are many popular (poser) programs in the industry that claim they develop strength, but actually include effectively zero of what I would consider high quality strength training. Although there are some spillover strength benefits from lifting lighter weights, strength training takes place when using weights at or above about 75% of a max, meaning that if the most weight you could back squat one time is 200lbs, strength would be the main focus (although there are still spillover benefits to other areas of fitness) when you are back squatting with 150lbs. To needle other programs one last time because I simply cannot resist, although many claim they develop strength, a program that only uses bodyweight exercises, kettlebells, or light to medium dumbbells and does not incorporate heavy lifting with a barbell is missing out on a crucial aspect of all around fitness that would adequately satisfy our non-negotiable fitness goals. Moving on:)

I am going to refer to the below specific strength training example throughout this article (you may see something similar in the MovementLink workout program): 

Back Squat
1 Set of 5 at 40%
1 Set of 4 at 55%
1 Set of 3 at 65%
1 Set of 3 at 75%

Working Sets 
3 Sets of 5 at 80%

In this example, we are saying that everyone in a group workout class is going to warm-up to ultimately perform 3 heavy sets of 5 back squats. 

The first strength training challenge we run into is that even if you have a very good understanding of your 1 rep max (Estimating Your 1 Rep Max), which most people don’t, any given day your max may still be plus or minus 15% of what you think it is due to your previous workouts, recovery, nutrition, sleep, stress, non-exercise activity, etc., so choosing optimal weights is challenging as a lot of the time you will be putting too little or too much weight on your bar relative to what your max is at that particular moment on that particular day. The only way to actually know our max that day would be to max out, but that is not just an inefficient use of our time (relative to our goals), but it also adds more risk than necessary. Don’t worry, the discussion around speed will take care of this potential issue and show you that as long as you are in the ballpark with weights and performing each rep with the right intent, you’ll get huge benefits.  

Let’s assume that everyone in class has somehow, magically, actually selected the exact right weights to use today. While everyone will benefit from the workout, the majority of people in the class will still miss out on serious amounts of potential speed, power, and strength improvements that some in the class will be getting! It’s all in people’s understanding and intent behind each rep. 

To lay out the need for speed, reflect on this for a second - when you are strength training, are you simply putting forth whatever effort is required to lift the amount of weight that is on your bar or are you putting 100% effort into trying to maximally overpower the weight on every rep?

Let’s start with what most people do, which is lifting the weight they put on the bar. What do I mean by this? I’ll call this technique effort matching - people match the effort they put into the exercise with how much effort is required to lift the weight. Let’s say they have 30% of their max on the bar. They will put forth about a 30% effort because that is all that is required by the weight. As the weight increases, so too will their effort. 

Let’s look at the effort required during one of their working sets at 80% of their max. When effort matching, the required effort of each rep will increase due to fatigue: 

Rep 1: 80% effort
Rep 2: 82% effort 
Rep 3: 85% effort
Rep 4: 90% effort
Rep 5: 96% effort

Although I think these are likely close, I made these numbers up to illustrate my point, so don’t get caught up on these specific percentages here, but if you have 80% of your max on the bar, you will need about an 80% effort to complete the first rep. Because that first rep causes fatigue, your next rep will require more effort, so rep 2 will take about an 82% effort. Rep 3 will take even more effort, etc. until you complete rep 5, which will take about 96% effort, close to 100%. A true 5 rep max would be around 85% of your 1 rep max, so when you use 80%, the set of 5 will be extremely difficult, but, when effort matching, you will not ever be forced into exerting 100% effort, even on your final, very challenging rep.

Where strength training occurs at weights at or above 75%, I define high quality strength training as meeting that requirement plus an effort level of 90% or more. With this definition, note that when effort matching, it’s only reps 4 and 5 of the set of 5 reps that will force the required 90% or more effort. So, for our 3 sets of 5 back squats, there will be only 6 total reps of high quality strength training (reps 4 & 5 of each of the 3 sets).

Effort matching like this is OK and does still generate strength gains, but if you haven’t already, it’s time to graduate into a more advanced intent that will dramatically improve the effectiveness of your time in the gym - exerting 100% effort on every rep, regardless of the weight! 

Advanced lifters, when trying to develop speed, power, and strength, try to maximally overpower the weight, regardless of how heavy it is. This may seem subtle, but results from this method relative to effort matching are stark.

 When you put 100% effort into completing a rep as fast as possible (with high quality technique), there is a variety of stimuli you will get at different weights. Every weight will actually have a mix of benefits, but lower weights will target developing more speed, medium weights will develop more power, and heavier weights will develop more strength. 

If you are effort matching, your workout may look like:

1 Set of 5 at 40% - 5 Reps Warming-up
1 Set of 4 at 55% - 4 Reps Warming-up
1 Set of 3 at 65% - 3 Reps Warming-up
1 Set of 3 at 75% - Strength stimuli starts at about 75% of a 1 rep max, so this would provide 3 Reps of Low Quality Strength Training
3 Sets of 5 at 80% - 9 Reps of Low Quality Strength Training (reps 1-3 of each set) and 6 Reps of High Quality Strength Training (reps 4 & 5 of each set).

Again, the average lifter will only get 6 Total Reps of High Quality Strength Training because there are only 6 reps in the workout that force effort above 90%.

Now, let’s look at what the advanced lifter is getting out of the exact same workout (on paper), even during warm-up! We are going to assume they put 100% effort into overpowering the weight on every rep.

1 Set of 5 at 40% - 5 Reps of High Quality Speed Training
1 Set of 4 at 55% - 4 Reps of High Quality Power Training
1 Set of 3 at 65% - 3 Reps of High Quality Power Training
1 Set of 3 at 75% - 3 Reps of High Quality Strength Training
3 Sets of 5 at 80% - 15 Reps of High Quality Strength Training

The advanced lifter will get 5 total reps of quality speed training, 7 total reps of quality power training, and 18 total reps of quality strength training! Now, compound that difference across every strength workout you do and it’s no surprise that there can be widely varying results from a group of people following what on paper looks like the exact same program.

The MovementLink program calls for 100% effort on reps when the target is speed, power, and/or strength.

Now, remember that for effort matching, we assumed that we selected the optimal weight, but remember that in practice, because our max actually fluctuates +/- 15% day-to-day, there will be many days in which we will have too much or too little on the bar. With too little weight, it will be even less reps, if any, that will force us into that 90% or more effort required. When we actively put 100% effort behind each rep, it allows for a wider range of barbell weights that will produce high quality strength reps.

The best progression for strength training should be as follows:

  1. Can you perform the exercise with good technique? 

  2. Then, can you perform the exercise faster and with 100% effort maintaining good technique? 

  3. Then, can you perform the exercise, with 100% effort and good technique, with heavier and heavier weight? 

Most skip step 2. If this concept is new to you, the great news is that once you incorporate the 100% effort intent into your reps, you will unlocks loads of potential! Enjoy!

This Month’s Health Challenge

Spotlight on Vitamin D - By Kelly Dodds

It’s winter– days are shorter, we’re more bundled up, and staying indoors more– which means our bodies are probably not getting much sunlight exposure, our main source of vitamin D. During the summer when we get regular sunlight exposure, UV light causes a chemical reaction in our skin cells that turns cholesterol into vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that we can store in our fat cells when we make surplus vitamin D during the summer months so that we have some stored for winter months when we lack exposure to sunlight. 

Vitamin D actually acts as a hormone and has many roles in the body:

Bone Health: Vitamin D is critical for calcium absorption in the intestines, which is necessary for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Deficiency can lead to conditions like osteomalacia or osteoporosis in adults.

Immune Function: Adequate levels of vitamin D enhance the body's ability to fight infections and reduce inflammation. Studies suggest that it plays a role in modulating the immune response, potentially lowering the risk of autoimmune diseases.

Muscle Function: Vitamin D supports muscle function, reducing the risk of falls and fractures.

Chronic Disease Prevention: Research indicates that vitamin D may lower the risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Vitamin D deficiency is relatively common, with an estimated 20-40% deficient in the US and many more considered to have insufficient levels of vitamin D. There is no current consensus among experts defining the threshold for deficiency, so these statistics are difficult to determine. The Institute of Medicine defines vitamin D deficiency as serum levels less than 30 nmol/L. However, the Institute of Endocrinology defines deficiency as levels under 50 nmol/L. Deficiency is linked to skeletal deformities, fractures, falls, chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, autoimmune), chronic pain, muscle weakness, and neurological and mood disorders.

Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels requires a combination of adequate sun exposure and dietary intake; but sometimes supplementation is necessary. 

Tips to safely maintain your vitamin D levels:

  1. Sun Exposure:

    • Aim for 10-30 minutes of midday sun exposure several times a week. Timing may vary depending on your skin tone, location, and season.

    • Use caution to avoid excessive sun exposure (like a sunburn), which can increase the risk of skin cancer. Balance is key.

  2. Dietary Sources:

    • Include vitamin D-rich foods in your diet, such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods like milk.

    • Mushrooms exposed to UV light are also a good plant-based source.

  3. Supplementation:

    • If you’re unable to meet your needs through diet and sunlight, consider vitamin D supplements. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) varies by age, gender, and life stage:

      • Adults are recommended to take 400-800 IU/day if levels are below 30-50 nmol/L (12–20 ng/mL) until sufficient serum levels are reached (50-100 nmol/L or 20-40 ng/mL).

      • Be aware that too much supplemental vitamin D can lead to toxicity; taking 4,000 IU (100 mcg) daily or more can lead to toxicity. 

  4. Regular Testing:

    • Regular blood tests can measure your vitamin D levels, typically reported as 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Levels above 30-50 nmol/L (12–20 ng/mL) are considered sufficient for most people, while levels above approximately 125–150 nmol/L (50–60 ng/mL) can lead to adverse health effects. 

Why Getting Nutrients Naturally is Better than Taking Supplements

People typically want convenience and quick fixes, so dietary supplements have become pretty mainstream. According to the Council for Nutrition, over 75% of Americans take some form of dietary supplements. While supplements may seem like an easy way to meet nutritional needs, evidence suggests that obtaining nutrients from whole foods is generally superior. Here are some of the reasons:

Bioavailability and Complementary Nutrients: One critical factor that favors natural food sources is bioavailability—the degree to which nutrients are absorbed and utilized by the body. Studies have shown that nutrients from whole foods are often more bioavailable than those from supplements. For example, the body absorbs calcium more effectively from dairy products than from calcium supplements. Similarly, vitamin C from fruits like oranges and kiwis is better utilized than synthetic ascorbic acid found in pill form.

Whole foods contain synergistic compounds, such as fiber, enzymes, and phytonutrients, which enhance nutrient absorption. Supplements, on the other hand, lack these complementary components, limiting their effectiveness. 

Furthermore, whole foods provide a complex array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that supplements cannot replicate. For example, an apple contains fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and a variety of polyphenols, all of which work together to promote health.

Reduced Risk of Overdose and Toxicity: When consumed in excessive amounts, certain supplements can lead to toxicity and adverse health effects, especially fat-soluble vitamins. For instance, high doses of vitamin A supplements can cause liver damage and birth defects, while excess iron can lead to gastrointestinal distress and organ damage. In contrast, it is rare to experience nutrient toxicity from whole foods, as they naturally balance nutrient concentrations and are accompanied by appetite-regulating signals.

Lack of Regulation and Quality Concerns: In the United States, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not pre-approve supplements for safety or efficacy before they reach the market. As a result, products may contain contaminants, toxins, inaccurate labeling, or inconsistent dosages. Whole foods, on the other hand, are subject to food safety regulations and offer a more reliable option for meeting nutrient needs.

Health Outcomes Linked to Whole Foods: Numerous studies find health benefits of obtaining nutrients from natural sources. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Many studies that link specific nutrients to positive health outcomes are nutrients obtained from food sources, vs supplement sources. Unfortunately, supplements have not consistently demonstrated comparable benefits. In some cases, high-dose supplements may even be harmful. For instance, randomized controlled trials have linked excessive vitamin E and beta-carotene supplementation to an increased risk of certain cancers. 

Health Outcomes Linked to Vitamin D Supplements: Though a considerable percent of the population has a vitamin D level below 50 nmol/L (insufficient), vitamin D supplements have not provided much evidence that they improve health outcomes or increase lifespan, other than improving bone health in those who are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D supplements when combined with calcium have shown to improve bone health in older adults whose levels were previously insufficient. However, clinical trials have failed to provide evidence that vitamin D supplementation can prevent most other diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, depression, or dementia. 

A moderate dose of 400-1000 IU vitamin D daily seems to be safe. Though, over-supplementation can lead to hypercalcemia (elevated blood calcium levels), kidney failure, kidney stones, cardiovascular calcification, and worsening of certain cancers and multiple sclerosis. 

Tips for Obtaining Nutrients Naturally:

  1. Get Regular Sunlight Exposure: 10-30 mins per day is recommended. Aim for the longer range during winter months or if skin pigmentation is darker. Avoid sunburns.

  2. Diversify Your Diet: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats to ensure a variety of nutrients.

  3. Avoid Processed Foods: Processed foods generally lack nutrients. Consuming them versus whole foods will fill you up without providing the nutrients you need– “empty calories.”

  4. Meal Plan and Prep: Preparing meals allows you to control ingredients and maximize nutritional content.

  5. Consult a Nutritionist: If you have specific dietary restrictions or health conditions, a nutrition professional can help you create a balanced meal plan.

This Month’s Challenge:

  1. Aim for 15 mins of sunlight between 10am-2pm [most days, weather permitting]. A lunchtime walk or jog outdoors would be a great way to get some sun, so you can take a layer off when you warm up and expose more skin in a short sleeve shirt or shorts.

  2. Eat at least TWO [5-6 oz] servings of fish per week (salmon, mackerel, rainbow trout, tuna, herring, sardines, tilapia).

    • Other food sources are mushrooms, fortified dairy, fortified OJ, egg yolks.

  3. Eat at least FIVE [½-1 c] servings of fruits and veggies per day to get vitamins & minerals from natural sources. Extra bonus if you can get to 10 servings per day.

  4. Eat a variety of foods from all food groups: proteins, legumes, WHOLE grains, vegetables, fruits, and low fat dairy (or dairy alternatives that are fortified with calcium & vitamin D).

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