The Barbell Redemption - Hypertrophy Week 1

Week 1

Post-class Add-on

3 Hard* Super Sets
a. Strict Ring Dips
b. Horizontal Ring Rows
c. Anchored Laying Leg Raises

*Today’s Hard Set is 3-4 Reps Shy of Failure

Class Replacement

Section 1

Bench Press
1 Set of 5 (40%)
1 Set of 5 (55%)
3 Sets of 10 (60%)


Section 2

3 x Hard* Super Sets
a. Double DB/KB Chest Flys
b. Barbell Bent-over Rows
c. Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

*Today’s Hard Set is 3-4 Reps Shy of Failure

Section 3

3 x Hard* Super Sets
a. Deficit Push-ups
b. Deficit Knee Push-ups
c. Barbell Roll-outs

*Today’s Hard Set is 3-4 Reps Shy of Failure